EGCS Wash Water Analysis

EGCS Wash Water Analysis

Ⅰ.  IMO Requirement To EGCS Wash Water


IMO 2015 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (resolution MEPC.259(68)) advise administrations provide for collection of relevant discharge washwater data. To this end, shipowners in conjunction with the EGCS manufacturer are requested to sample and analyse samples of:

● inlet water (for background);

● water after the scrubber (but before any treatment system); and

● discharge water.

This sampling could be made during approval testing or shortly after commissioning

and at about twelve-month intervals for a period of two years of operation (minimum of three samples).

Ⅱ.  VGP Requirement To EGCS Wash Water


The 2013 VGP specifies that twice during the first year of permit coverage or system operation, whichever is later, each vessel operating a wet exhaust gas scrubber system must collect and analyze exhaust gas scrubber related samples. One of those samples may be conducted as part of a vessel’s annual or other survey, and during the first year of system operation, one of those sampling events may be conducted as part of system installation to ensure it is functioning properly. The two samples must be collected at least 14 days apart. After the first year, samples must be collected at least once per calendar year and may be collected as part of the vessel’s annual survey as appropriate.
For each sampling event, samples must be collected of each of the following:

● Exhaust gas scrubber inlet water (for background),

● Untreated water leaving the scrubber (but before any treatment system), and

● The discharged water (after any treatment).